The Inspector-General of Police (IGP), has directed the Director-General, Criminal Investigation Department to take over investigations into circumstances leading to the killing of a police officer and a bystander during an attack on a bullion van at Adedenkpo, a suburb of James Town, Monday.The driver of the van also sustained injuries and was admitted at the Korle-bu Teaching Hospital for treatment.
A press release signed by the Director of Public Affairs of the Ghana Police Service, Superintendent of Police (SP), Sheila Abayie-Buckman stated that crime scene experts have visited the scene and are going through the necessary procedures to aid in the investigations.
“Preliminary investigation shows that unidentified armed men on a number of motorbikes crossed the bullion van which was on a pay/collection errand at about 11:00 hours and shot at the police officer who was on escort duty on the van, killing him instantly.”
“The armed men also fired sporadically in the air and on the driver, who sustained gunshot wounds and is responding to treatment. A hawker was also killed by the armed men when one of two ladies on the bullion van stepped out of the van and run towards the deceased seller’s direction,” parts of the statement read.
Below is the full statement